Yogie’s Pancake Haus was my first concept and branding project whilst pursuing my undergraduate degree—I thoroughly enjoy inventing a delightful solution to the challenge. Although I have grown tremendously since this project, it will always be a project I think back fondly on being that it was my initial independent branding project.

My concept was a silver dollar pancake food truck located in New Braunfels, Texas, my hometown. With a population well over 100,000 people, there was a large gap in the market being that there is only one brunch establishment. This being said, a bunch truck overing stackable pancakes seemed like a wonderful solution being that New Braunfels is a river city where many people come to tube, shop at market days, and unwind. By being moblile, the truck could be where the people are.

The charm of the truck was encapsulated in its name and brand: Yogi’s Flapjack Haus. The mascot a “Butter Beagle” named Yogie is seen on merch and menus alike looking to accrue a cute cult following. The “Butter Beagle” is not only Yogie’s Flapjack Haus mascot, but presumably the most ordered menu item: a few of silver dollars of the patrons choice on a stick for the best on-the-go munching!

New Braunfel’s population is predominantly young families and retirees, so finding a balance of playfulness, consistent brand and food quality, and charm would be the key to gaining a local fan-base and regular customers.


ARTEA: Bubble Tea + Eats


SAN ANTONIO MUSEUM OF ART: Billboard & Signage